Lakeside Village RV Resort


Frequently Asked Questions

I have questions about my monthly statement, how do I get my questions answered?

  • You can contact us by email at
  • Feel free to call us between 9am-4pm Eastern Standard Time Monday thru Friday at 1-888-595-4524

What am I responsible for as a resident?
Typically all residents are responsible for the following:

  • Lawn care underneath and within 2 feet of your unit, unless otherwise provided
  • Minor repairs to your home, including, but not limited to, replacing light bulbs and clogged drains
  • Changing the smoke detector batteries during your tenancy (these are new when you move in)
  • Pest control
  • Complying with all Community Standards, Rules and Regulations
  • Following the terms of your lease

When is site rent due?
Site rent is due on the 1st of the month. Rent must be in our office by the end of the business day on the 5th of the month in order to avoid a late payment penalty. If you pay rent after the 5th of the month there is a late fee that is assessed of 15%, plus $5 a day thereafter (property specific). Additionally, all payments made after the 5th must include the applicable late fee.

What happens if I do not pay my rent?
If your rent is not received on, or before, the 5th of the month, you will receive a letter notifying you that you are in breach of your lease and payment must be made promptly. Failure to pay rent on time will result in eviction proceedings being initiated. Please contact us immediately if you are unable to pay your rent so you can understand the cost and deadlines related to the eviction process.

When my lease expires can I just move out?
No. Even though the initial term of your lease expires on a certain date, it converts to a month to month lease and is still in full force until proper 30 day notice to vacate is given by either party.

How do I terminate my lease?
Most of our month to month leases require a 30 day notice to terminate by either party. Other leases are in effect through their expiration date. You must terminate on the last day of the month. Please fill out the appropriate 30-day Notice to Vacate form, which can be found on our website.

How do I submit routine maintenance requests?
All routine maintenance requests must be submitted in writing, on our form, to our office. Requests can be submitted by one of the following:

  • Use the website to complete the Maintenance Request form
  • Call in your request to our Resident Service Associate at 1-888-595-4524

What do I do in an emergency?
If your emergency is life threatening, dial 911.

How quickly can I expect my request to be performed?
There are many factors that go into each request and we cannot set a firm schedule. However, we typically contact you the same day we receive the request to assess the situation and determine the proper course of action. Our goal is typically no more than a 5 business day completion.

Can I withhold my rent for items not being corrected to my satisfaction?
No. It is prohibited by state statute for a resident to withhold rent for failure to fix items submitted. Please contact our office to discuss your specific situation so we can address the issue for you. Non-payment of rent will result in eviction.

When do I have to return the keys after I move out?
Keys must be returned within 24 hours of vacating the property. You are not officially moved out until the keys are returned. You will be responsible for rental charges until the keys are returned.

What do you do with my security deposit after I move out?
Immediately after you vacate the property, one of our agents visits the property and performs a move-out inspection to assess the condition of the property in comparison to your move-in report. After that is complete and that month’s utility bills are received, we then process your security deposit and mail it to the new address you provide to us. You can be present for this inspection once all personal items are removed from the home.

When can I get my security deposit back?
You can expect to receive your security deposit within 30 days. This will be mailed to your forwarding address.

What if I do not pay my outstanding charges?
Any outstanding charges 30 days from the date of invoice will be turned over to a collection agency for processing and will become part of your permanent credit history. These charges will be found by future landlords who are considering renting to you.